Read and study the Bible by topic
The Bible, the word of God, contains teachings and advice for every aspect of man's life. These teachings and advice are written into the Bible for our temporal and eternal profit.
To this page, we have picked verse collections from multiple different subjects and areas to help a reader and to support studying the Bible.
Also, the whole Bible is available for reading on our website. You can read and study all the books and texts in the Bible here.
We hope and pray for blessed reading moments for the readers of the Bible at the declaration and teachings of the word of our Lord. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." (Col. 3:16).
We complete this page and update it with new subjects.
The life and work of Jesus
- The birth of Jesus
- John the Baptist's testimony of Jesus
- Jesus' baptism
- The walk, action, and work of Jesus
- The compassion and love of Jesus for people
- What Jesus said about Himself
- Jesus' preachings and exhortations on repentance
- Jesus' teachings
- Jesus' parables
- Jesus' consolations
- Jesus' warnings
- Jesus reminds of the reality of eternity
- Jesus foretells His death on the cross to His disciples
- Jesus heals sick people
- Jesus sets the devil-possessed free
- Jesus raises people from the dead
- Jesus calms the storm
- Jesus in Getsemane
- The capture of Jesus
- The judging of Jesus
- The crucifixion and burial of Jesus
- The empty sepulcher and the resurrection
- Jesus' Great Commission after His resurrection
- Jesus confirms His word after His resurrection
- Jesus in His glory after His resurrection
- Jesus as a judge
Believing and the first steps
- The Lord loves you
- The Lord desires to save you
- Grace
- Born-again
- The cross of Jesus Christ
- The cross of a follower of Jesus
- Repentance
- Receiving the word
- Faith
- Baptism
- Remission of sins
Some testimonies in the Bible
- The testimony of Job
- The testimony of patriarch Jacob
- The testimony of David
- The testimony of Hezekiah, a king of Judah
- Testimonies of apostle Paul
- The testimony of apostle Peter
- The testimony of apostle John
Some prayers in the Bible
- The payer of Abraham for Sodom
- A prayer of Hannah
- A prayer of David (Psalm 17)
- A prayer of David (Psalm 86)
- A prayer of Moses (Psalm 90)
- A prayer of the afflicted (Psalm 102)
- Maschil of David (Psalm 142)
- A prayer of prophet Jonah
- A prayer of prophet Habakkuk
- The Lord's prayer
- A prayer of Jesus
- A prayer of the church of Jerusalem
- Prayers of Paul
The life, work, and teaching of the early Christians
- The day of Pentecost and being filled with the Holy Ghost
- The church grows and strengthens
- The church preaches
- The church is praying
- Apostles' exhortations to turn and repent
- Through wonders and signs
- The church is opposed and persecuted
- Philip the evangelist and the revival in Samaria
- Apostle Paul's preaching at Athens
- Teaching about baptism
- Church and church fellowship
- Teaching about administrations in church
- Instructions for the walk of a Christian
- Teaching about spiritual gifts
- Encouragements and consolations
- Apostles' warnings
- Teaching of the epistle of James
- Teaching of the epistle of Jude
- Paul's prophecy of the last days
- Marriage and exhortations for spouses
- Divorce and remarriage
- Attitude to neighbor
- Before a great white throne and Him who sat on it
- Salvation and destruction
Other texts and topics of the Bible
- Forgiveness
- The Lord is the good shepherd
- Loving one another
- Temptation
- Trying of faith
- Trust
- Sorrow
- Conscience and feeling
- Hypocrisy
- Labour in the Lord
- Seduction
Prophecies of the last times and days
- In the last days perilous times shall come
- In the last days they will walk after ungodly lusts
- In the last days they will not endure sound doctrine
Persons in the New Testament
- Agabus
- Ananias
- Apollos
- Aristarchus
- Archippus
- Barnabas
- Demas
- Philip
- Phebe
- Anna
- Jezebel
- The house of Chloe
- Luke
- Lydia
- The house of Onesiphorus
- Onesimus
- Simeon
- The house of Stephanas
- Timothy
- Tychicus
- Zenas