Free to serve

In the testimony I wrote earlier, I told how the truth made me free. Now, I desire to tell a bit more about the freedom the Lord Jesus has given me.

As Jesus makes a man free – as He made me – he will become truly free (John 8:36). Free from sin, free from worldliness, free from this world and its lust, and free from everything that is against the will of the Lord which is for our true profit.

In addition to all this, the Lord makes a man free to serve Him. I have experienced this personally.

While being and walking as a member of the church, I have desired to be where the work for the kingdom of God is done. While serving the Lord, there is an abundance of meaningful and interesting work to do for every single day of life. I do not have any so-called spare time problems.

While serving the Lord, my walk is no longer – as Peter says – "vain conversation received by tradition from ... fathers" (1. Pet. 1:18), but every single day of my life has real meaning and purpose. I am allowed to serve the Lord and enter into the eternal kingdom of God, heaven.

I hope and pray that you allow the Lord Jesus to make you free and that you let him give you a meaningful and interesting life and zeal to serve the Lord in this time and – what is most important – let him give you eternal life. Will you accept this?

Miika Koskela
October, 2022